
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Natalyn Jeffries just posted a new Press Release titled When Your Heart Aches, Listen.

Natalyn Jeffries just posted a new Press Release titled When Your Heart Aches, Listen.

Natalyn Jeffries just posted a new Press Release titled Use Facebrook Groups to Advertise Your Business.

Natalyn Jeffries just posted a new Press Release titled Use Facebrook Groups to Advertise Your Business.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Start Your Internet Business Today for FREE!

One of the things I do on a daily basis is search the internet for legitimate home based businesses.  I have been in marketing for 7+ years and if there's one thing I've learned is that every opportunity isn't for everyone.  I am a network marketer but many people I meet online are not interested in MLM or opportunities that require recurring fees every month.  So I search the internet to find opportunities for every budget and taste.  If you’re reading this blog post right now, chances are you’re looking for a way to make money at home, specifically using the internet.   Maybe you’ve been online searching for hours, days, weeks, or even months to find a legitimate business.  There are many out there but very few are 100% free.  I’m sure you’ve seen all the promises that the gurus make to earn a six-figure income in a month if you just purchase their software or something similar.  I’ve spent thousands of dollars searching for that perfect business that would make me wealthy.  Well, my loss can be your gain because I’ve found a system that is 100% free to you, a complete turnkey system that’s ready for you to get in and drive.  It’s called Instant Payday Network.  No fees, no headaches, no hype, no MLM, no downlines, no recruiting, no selling…just a proven system that you can use to earn a part-time or full-time income starting today.  You can earn $100, $200, even $300 a day even if you’re brand new to the internet.  It’s just that easy.  There are no promises to make you rich overnight but you can handsomely supplement your income by putting in an hour or two per day.  That’s it.  All you have to do is click the link below.  Talk to you soon!  

Free business, free web site, free back office, free marketing tools, free training. No hype, just cash.

Natalyn Jeffries just posted a new Press Release titled Rome Wasn't Built In A Day.

Natalyn Jeffries just posted a new Press Release titled Rome Wasn't Built In A Day.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Worried about money?

Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the first place?

Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start today WITHOUT:
- Technical know-how, 
- Large capital investment or overhead, 
- Jeopardizing your current career, 
- Any of the headaches of owning a traditional business.

What if all the tools and techniques were provided for you instantly with simple-to-follow, step-by-step instructions? What if I told you it was FREE to join with NO obligation whatsoever! Interested?

Why not take that important first step and visit:

Friday, October 5, 2012

Do You Want Oprah Money?

“Who in the room would like to trade places with Oprah?”  When I was first asked this question, my hand flew up so fast that I hit myself in the head.  Not only did my hand go up but most of the other hands in the room did as well.  The next question stunned everyone and made us sink low into our chairs.  The question was “Would you consent to be molested and raped as a child?”

You could hear a pin drop in the room.  

Oprah’s life seemingly is one that many covet but few acquire.  She currently holds the title of being "the most influential woman in the world".  The rest of her resume is equally impressive:
  • American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer, network owner, and philanthropist
  • Host of the highest-rated program of its kind in history and was nationally syndicated from 1986 to 2011
  • Ranked the richest African-American of the 20th century
  • The greatest black philanthropist in American history
  • For a time the world's only black billionaire
  • According to Forbes magazine, her current net worth is $2.7 billion

Rewind her life back to 1954:
  • Was born to an unmarried, teenage mother
  • Spent her first six years living in rural poverty and wore potato sacks for clothes
  • Molested and raped by her uncle, a cousin, and a family friend
  • Ran away from home at age 13 and became pregnant at age 14
  • Gave birth to a son who died at birth
  • Made a choice to never have more children because she doubted that she could be a good mother because of how she was raised

Success can sometimes have devastating costs.  I admire all that Oprah has accomplished in her life.  She has had her share of adversity and misery but she was able to make her roadblocks into stepping stones.  What we see is the person she’s become.  There's no doubt that she gave up a lot to get where she is.  So the next time you consciously (or unconsciously) wish for another’s success, consider the price they paid to get it.   

Natalyn Jeffries just posted a new Press Release titled Do you need a job or do you need to go to work?.

Natalyn Jeffries just posted a new Press Release titled Do you need a job or do you need to go to work?.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Turn Your Water Into Wine

It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life, and to be happy, radiant, and free. You should, therefore, have all the money you need to lead a full, happy, prosperous life. There is no virtue in poverty; the latter is a mental disease, and it should be abolished from the face of the earth. You are here to grow, expand, and unfold—spiritually, mentally, and materially. You have the inalienable right to fully develop and express yourself along all lines. You should surround yourself with beauty and luxury. Why be satisfied with just enough to go around when you can enjoy the riches of the Infinite? Your desire to be rich is a desire for a fuller, happier, more wonderful life. It is a cosmic urge. It is good and very good.  Joseph Murray, author of “How To Attract Money”.

My love for books was instilled in me at a very early age.  I love to read.  I’ve read hundreds of books.  I’ve educated, improved, entertained, escaped and nourished myself through the written word.  While fiction is very entertaining, as I got older I began to crave information that would give me insight into how to best utilize the power within me.  I grew up in a Baptist household, but because of my parent’s work schedules, we didn’t attend church on a regular basis.  It wasn’t until much later in my life that I began to read the bible and much later yet that I began to understand its symbolism.

At the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee recorded in John 2:1-11, Jesus turned water into wine. I have read this scripture many, many times and it wasn’t until recently that the water and the wine in this story are symbols of how we have the God-given power to enact change in our lives.

Buried deep in our subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, power, and supply just waiting for development and expression.  When we learn to recognize the potential that we own within, they become manifest in the world without.  But first, you must take a very important step.  You MUST relinquish all thoughts of lack and poverty.  It is a mental disease and keeps you from experiencing the life that you desire.  Dr. Joseph Murphy, How To Attract MoneyWe have all probably said on more than one occasion, “I’m broke” or “I don’t have any money”.  That may actually be a fact but you must be careful.  Your subconscious mind hears everything that comes from your mouth and takes it as TRUTH.  Your subconscious mind is not discerning; it is like a very sophisticated tape recorder.  It hears everything you say and acts on what it hears.  When it hears “I’m broke”, that’s the reality that you create for yourself.  In addition, we must edit our thoughts as well.  It is not easy and takes much practice.  But it can be done.  When I leave home in the morning, I take a mental picture of a broom and a watering can with me.  When negative thoughts come to me, I simply take that broom and sweep away all negative thoughts like spider webs.  On the other hand, my positive thoughts are nurtured by the watering can so they can grow and multiply.  Sounds silly, but it works.

I’m sure you remember the beloved movie, The Wizard of Oz?  It’s probably the most watched movie of all time.  Personally, I love the movie and make it a point to watch whenever it comes on TV.  Remember, the beloved cowardly lion?  He was a big chicken but I adored him.  Do you recall the scene where he and the gang were in the haunted forest and he proclaimed, “I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks!”  While it was a funny scene, it goes back to the ideal that “As a man thinketh, so is he.”  His mantra actually contributed to his belief that he was cowardly.   He proclaimed to be the King of the Forest but his DOMINATING THOUGHT was that he was a fraidy cat!  It is your dominating thoughts that create your reality in your life.

After they’d all received their gifts from the wizard and Dorothy was about to get into the hot air balloon to return to Kansas but it took off without her, she was resigned to stay in Oz forever.  That is until Glenda, the good witch, appeared and told her that she’d always POSSESSED THE ABILITY to go home.  She just had to figure it out for herself.  When we finally “figure out” that we are born with everything we need to be successful and that we are NEVER apart from the love and wisdom of God, it is only then that we can click our heels and watch the magic take place in our lives.  Dispel those fears and do something that you never thought you could do -- whether it's starting a business or hang-gliding!  Conceive it and believe it!

The moral to this story is turn your water (your prayers) into wine (your answered prayers) by BELIEVING in whatever you aspire to do or be.  Make your wine by infusing your spirit with positive words AND positive thoughts and it will change your life in a way that you’ve never imagined.   Don’t be the cowardly lion – be the King of the Forest!    

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Hi!  My name is Natalyn Jeffries and this is my first blog and I'm pretty excited.  I'm excited because I have a means to share my excitement about my home-based business with you!

But first I'll give you a little background on me.  I lived in Atlanta, GA for 18 months by way of Houston, TX.  My husband, Gary, was offered a job here and we took the plunge.  We have a blended family of 5 children and 5 grandchildren.  So it's just the two of us and our newest family addition, Apollo (an 8-month old mastiff).  I've been with this fabulous company just about 3 months now and have come to realize that my long, arduous journey to find the right business with the right marketing and compensation plan has finally ended.  I wish words could express how relieved I am!  I've done everything from home-based customer service to network marketing and everything in between.  I've tried many, many things and while some have been successful and most have not, I wouldn't trade the experiences for anything.  Because you have to test the water before you know you want to get in.  Some may see me as "not knowing what I want" but I see it as knowing exactly what I DON'T want...and that is to work for anyone other than myself.  Have more time freedom for myself and family, more income, and to help others achieve the same.

I was in Chicago recently to visit my 87-year-old mother.  During the visit I took a stroll down memory lane and came across my high school yearbook (I won't mention the year, lol).  It was filled with good wishes and memories from fellow students and teachers.  Even at the tender age of 17 I knew that I wanted to be successful as an independent business person.  On the very last page I wrote a promise to myself.  I vowed to learn as much as I could about everything that interested me.  I also vowed to someday be my "own boss" and make lots of money.  It was very poignant because I'd forgotten all about that message that I wrote to myself.  We get so caught up in the daily rigors of life and sometimes forget the promises that we make to ourselves.  There have been times when I settled because I thought my options were limited.  There were times when I doubted that I had what it took to be successful.  There were also times when I made excuses to NOT do something because I was afraid to fail.  My point is, we all go through the valley to get to the mountaintop.  Nobody starts at the top of the mountain.   It has taken me over 30 years to get to the mountain but I made it (ok, I just told my age...sort of, lol) When I finally had my AHA! moment, I knew what I had to do.  But something was still missing...

That something was Vitel.  Finally!!  A company that cares about people and understood how to offer unlimited income potential while helping people eliminate their bills.  Now, I don't know about you but that's pretty darn attractive to me!  They will pay me, my bills AND my business overhead.  That's over $1,200 per month that goes back into my household budget, month after month.  Could you use an extra $1,200 per month?  Most folks I know would love that extra cash.  Even if you currently make a good living, what could an extra $1,200 do for you and your family?

Ok, this is my first blog and it got pretty lengthy, sorry....

There definitely will be more to come as I update my blog.  I want to get to know you and I want you to know me.  I'm just your everyday wife and mother who has an average education with everyday problems. ANYONE can do this business.  If I can do it, you certainly can too!!!

To check out this one-of-a-kind business opportunity, click here.

To see a recorded presentation, click here.

Hear my sizzle call at (213) 493-0809, access code 720845#, reference #1.

Please stay tuned for future blog posts and thanks for reading!